Kneel to the side of the casualty; remove glasses, watches and any large objects from side pockets
Place the arm nearest to you at a right angle to the casualty’s body (allow it to rest in a natural position)
Bring the other arm across the casualty’s chest and secure the back of the hand onto their nearest cheek with your hand
With your free hand grasp the casualty’s clothing around the knee and draw the leg up ensuring the foot remains on the ground
Keeping the casualty’s hand on their cheek to control the head movement, pull their leg towards you so the casualty turns onto their side.
Adjust the casualty’s upper leg so that the knee and lower leg are at a right angle to the hip making a stable base. Check that the airway is open and adjust the hand under the cheek to maintain the airway.
The casualty is now in the recovery position.
Check breathing regularly, and be prepared to carry out CPR
See the video below from South Central Ambulance Service