Operating temperatures

Operating temperatures

The optimum temperature for multi-use refrigerators, in which high-risk foods are stored, is between 1°C and 4°C. Cook-chill foods with a maximum shelf life of five days must be kept between 0°C and 3°C. The maximum legal temperature for high-risk food stored in a refrigerator is 8°C. Cold food on a display buffet may rise above 8°C on one occasion for up to 4 hours.

If the dial on refrigerator displays 12°C it should be observed for a few minutes as it may be because the door has been left open. If the display temperature drops to around 5°C then no further action is required. If the temperature remains at 12°C the contents of the refrigerator should be checked to ensure hot food or a large consignment of, for example, bottled drink at ambient temperature has been placed inside. If there is no obvious problem and the thermostat cannot be turned down the temperature of the food should be checked. If the food temperature is less than 8° C or cannot have been above 8°C for more than 4 hours it should be moved to another refrigerator an maintenance called to repair the refrigerator. If the food has been above 8°C for more than 4 hours it should be discarded.