We have looked at the most common types of web application attacks, one of which (Dos or DDos) could also be categorised as a network attack.
The following are examples of some network attacks:
Lets take a closer look at each of these;
Brute force attack
Whilst there are many attacks that try to gain access by going through back doors, a brute force attack goes straight through the front door. Automated software is used to get thousands of password combinations.
Man in the middle attack
This type of attack is where a malicious person secretly intercepts, relays and/or alters the communication between two or more parties, it is done by getting in between each party and the internet. By doing this, the attacker can and does portray themselves as at least one of the parties, allowing them to manipulate the individual into doing something to their detriment or disclosing information that they would not wish the unintended recipient to have.
Key logger
A key logger is either a small plug in which can be put into a computer port, typically very small so hard to detect or a software key logger which is often downloaded via a link unwittingly by an unsuspecting victim. Once installed the key logger records every key stroke that is typed and uploads that information via the internet to whomever installed the key logger.