Module 3.1 – Definitions of the High Risk Policy

Definitions and requirements of the High Risk Policy for those working in hostile environments and undertaking high risk activities


High Risk: High Risk is defined as work that carries a significantly higher than normal risk of death or serious injury as a consequence of operating in, or being part of:

Hostile Environments: A Hostile Environment is a country, region or specified area subject to war, insurrection, civil unrest, terrorism or extreme levels of crime, banditry, lawlessness or public disorder; or areas with extreme climate or terrain.

High Risk Events: A High Risk Event might be riots, civil disturbance or extreme public disorder, terrorist or armed criminal incidents such as hi-jacking or sieges, any event involving chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) substances, extreme climatic events and natural disasters such as hurricanes, severe floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. or outbreaks of serious diseases and pandemics. (Events will be designated as High Risk if they fall into any of the above categories)

High Risk Activities: High Risk Activities are investigations/Consultancy involving risk management services that may result in confrontation of terrorist, serious organised criminal, extremist or violent political groups. The activity of the client/clients organisation may be deemed as a high risk activity dependant on the area/environment they will be visiting. It is a must as a security risk manager that you cover all areas to minimise this level of risk associated with the clients activity.

Travel Advisory: Travel Advisory Areas are countries that have specific safety or security risks not amounting to a Hostile Environment.