Incident Recording and Reporting

Incident Recording and reporting

After any first aid incident it is important that the incident is recorded and reported in full. Ultimately the employer is responsible for reporting of accidents; however, as the first aider, you should be clear on your role within this process. The accident book Should be completed in full and populated with clear and concise information; there may also be the necessity to inform RIDDOR. In cases where a public access AED has been used, dependant on local authority polices, there may be a requirement to report the event using a prescribed audit reporting chain.

By law, every business is expected to keep a record of any accidents which occur on their premises, in relation to both employees and visitors. The accident book has become part of these legal obligations, with its contents treated as a record for RIDDOR.

The report lets the enforcing organisations (HSE, local authorities and other regulatory bodies) know about any injuries, deaths, occupational diseases and dangerous instances which have taken place, so they can assess where and how these risks have arisen and whether these situations should indeed be investigated.

Find a range of accident books for business and educational establishments, as well as useful folders and stations, which can all be found in our comprehensive accident reporting section.

Every business in the UK is required to record accidents involving employees, contractors and visitors in the workplace. Accident books allow all the required information to be recorded in one place ensuring all essential information is captured at the time of the incident. Accident books also allow compliance with RIDDOR which requires the recording and reporting of serious injuries and deaths in the workplace.

You can download an example form HERE to practice filling one out. This form cannot be used to record a real accident. You can purchase an accident record book HERE