Fractures and broken bones

Fracture and broken bonesbroken-bones[1]


A fracture can be best described as a chip, crack or break in the bone caused by either direct or indirect force. Fractures in both infants and children are a common injury. Most of the bone injuries suffered by infants and children are known as greenstick fractures. Infant’s and children’s bones are pliable so they can bend and do not completely break through. Greenstick fractures can often be confused with sprains and strains and can even be missed as they do not always show the common signs and symptoms of an adult fracture.


  • Closed (no associated wound)
  • Open (The fracture has broken the skin)
  • Complicated (the fracture is causing a further injury to vessels or organs for example)
  • Greenstick (pliable bones can bend and not completely break through)


  • Pain, tenderness, bruising and swelling at the site of injury
  • In the case of an open fracture, associated bleeding
  • Possible loss of mobility
  • Deformity
  • nausea, pale, cold clammy skin (shock)
  • possible associated open wound
  • crepitus or creaking of the bone
  • reluctance to move the injured limb


  • Put on gloves
  • Treat bleeding if required
  • Immobilise in the position found (the most comfortable for the casualty)
  • Elevate if possible
  • Monitor and treat for shock if necessary
  • Contact the emergency services/take the casualty to hospital
  • Apply ice
  • Give pain relief to help with the pain

Please watch the video below: (Note the video is Australian, therefore the emergency service number stated is 000, in the UK please call 999/112)