Module 1: Introduction to Anti-Money Laundering – Carey

Introduction and Money Laundering Regulations

You will now conduct the Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime course in order enable you to understand the Acts and regulations that must be taken into account if financial crime is to be prevented and reduced.

All those who work within the regulated financial services sector must put in place systems and controls to prevent financial crime, in particular that of money laundering.

As well as money laundering, financial crime covers any offence involving money, such as fraud, dishonesty and market abuse. Each of these offences has a serious impact on both individual businesses and the economy as a whole.

This course aims to help explain the laws surrounding money laundering and financial crime and highlights how they impact the work that your business does.

Course Aims

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Be able to explain the concept of money laundering and understand its impact on both the financial services sector and the economy.
  • Be able to identify and explain the law concerning money laundering.
  • Understand how the law, in relation to financial crime, impacts upon the work you carry out in terms of procedures and your responsibilities.



Topics to be Covered

The topics covered in this section are:

  • Background
  • Types of financial crime
  • Money laundering definition
  • Key stages of money laundering
  • Indicators of money laundering
  • Money Laundering Regulations
  • Supervisory authorities
  • Registered businesses
  • Regulation requirements
  • Customer identification
  • Recent changes